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Duration of the Solo Campaign
Duration of the Solo Campaign
Updated over a week ago

Duration of the Solo Campaign at ETX Funding

The Solo Campaign at ETX Funding offers unparalleled flexibility to traders, allowing them to navigate the evaluation process at a pace that aligns with their trading style and personal commitments. Understanding the duration and activity requirements of the Solo Campaign is crucial for effective participation and success.

Key Aspects of the Solo Campaign Duration:

No Set Time Limit:

ETX Funding's Solo Campaign is uniquely structured to provide traders the autonomy to complete their evaluation without the pressure of a fixed deadline. This approach accommodates the varied strategies and time commitments of traders worldwide, recognizing that effective trading cannot be rushed.

Activity Requirement:

While the Solo Campaign does not impose a strict completion timeline, it does require consistent activity. Traders must execute at least one trade every 30 days to maintain the active status of their account. This stipulation ensures that participants remain engaged with the program and prevent their accounts from being suspended due to inactivity.

Strategic Trading Freedom:

The absence of a set time limit empowers traders to implement long-term strategies, wait for optimal market conditions, and avoid rushed decision-making. Traders can focus on quality over quantity, optimizing their approach to meet the campaign's growth target effectively.

Inactivity Policy:

The requirement to perform at least one trade every 30 days is designed to encourage ongoing participation and progress. Failure to meet this activity criterion may result in account suspension, underscoring the importance of regular engagement with the trading platform.


The flexible duration of the Solo Campaign at ETX Funding is a testament to the platform's commitment to accommodating diverse trading styles and life commitments. By allowing traders to progress at their own pace while maintaining regular activity, the Solo Campaign fosters a conducive environment for measured, thoughtful trading strategies. Participants are advised to leverage this flexibility wisely, ensuring consistent activity to capitalize on the potential benefits of the Solo Campaign.

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